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Final Reflection

Assessment can be used in many ways in a classroom.  It does not only inform the teachers, but can be used as a tool to inform students and parents as well.  Assessment for learning is conducted to determine where a student is at in their learning.  This is then used to structure future learning and determine what that student needs.  Assessment of learning occurs when the teacher wants to know what a student knows already.  It can be used to determine standards that they have already mastered or ones that need more attention or remediation.  Both are equally important in a successful assessment plan.  In my classroom, I used both formative and summative assessments to remain informed about my students and their learning.  The information gained through these assessments allow me to better meet the individual needs of each student.  Formative assessments occur throughout the course of the learning and can inform me on what my students understand already and to know when they are a

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